ISDS Rulings – US Dolphin safe tuna labeling ruled a violation of the rights of Mexican fishers. Country of Origin labeling for beef and pork ruled a barrier to trade, US ordered to pay $1 billion per year.

World Trade Organisation rules against US dolphin safe labeling which has made significant reductions in the millions of dolphin deaths (another source says 97% reduction).

The US had already weakened the law in a series of amendments including replacing the import ban with a voluntary labeling policy, but ultimately lost and must now pay compensation to Mexican fishers or make further changes to the law.

Full story, external link WTO Ruling on Dolphin-Safe Tuna Labeling Illustrates Supremacy of Trade Agreements

In a similar way Canada and Mexico are attacking the US country of origin labeling (cool) for beef and pork which may see the World Trade Organisation rule it is a “barrier to trade”.

Update, Country of Origin labelling, 9th Dec 2015,

“The WTO authorized over $1 billion annually in trade sanctions against the United States unless and until the popular consumer policy is weakened or eliminated.

In the same article a history of US law changes reacting to Investor State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) via the WTO

“After previous WTO rulings, the United States has rolled back U.S. Clean Air Act regulations on gasoline cleanliness rules successfully challenged by Venezuela and Mexico and Endangered Species Act rules relating to shrimping techniques that kill sea turtles after a successful challenge by Malaysia and other nations. The U.S. also altered auto fuel efficiency (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards that were successfully challenged by the European Union.”

External link, WTO Orders Sanctions Unless U.S. Cuts Consumer Labels, Disproving Obama TPP Claims

AFTINET Trans Pacific Partnership Forum – Video

Public Forum 18th November, NSW Parliament House, Sydney, speakers were

Dr Patricia Ranald, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network, on Overview of the TPP and foreign investor rights to sue governments
Jon Edwards, Doctors without Borders (MSF)on medicines,
Professor Kimberlee Weatherall on copyright,
Tom Skladzien AMWU economist, on labour rights, temporary labour.

View the video here, external link Forum Video

Professor Weatherall’s comments, “An insufficient policy framework for the 21st century” are relevant to health, she notes that the TPP will make law reform harder.

A three year extension on patents for monopoly higher prices on biologic medicines before cheaper versions become available.

The Trans Pacific Partnership will provide additional monopoly rights for the costly biologic medicines used to treat cancer and other serious diseases.

Up to three extra years of monopoly for Australians and significantly more in some other countries.

External link AFTINET: Higher Prices for Medicines. Stronger Monopolies…